Smart Instructional Design, Part III: Resources for Success

As you know, designing effective online training programs requires serious preparation. Understanding your audience, their goals and motivations, as well as your organization’s goals for providing an e-learning course, is the first step. Then, providing relevant content, engaging exercises and activities, practical delivery systems, and readily accessible evaluation and assessment tools are all key components of your savvy course design. And there’s more.

Welcome to a very brief collection of instructional design resources. We’ve gathered some interesting articles and tools from Cyberland to help you get started on your instructional design journey.

General instructional design tips

Best practices overview to help you begin planning your course or program

Instructional design basics

Do’s and dont’s of online training development

Part I and Part II of our series on instructional design

Choosing models & platforms

Instructional design models (by Instructional Design Central, a wealth of information)

Great overview of effective instructional design models

Learning management systems (LMS) explained

Integrating & organizing content

Terrific tips for content selection and use in original online programs

Six e-learning strategies to organize your course content

How to use practical scenarios to stimulate learning

Stimulating learners

Keys to active engagement

Best practices in UX design

Planning your vibrant online learning classroom

Joining an online community of instructional designers is a great idea, too. There you can share materials, glean more best practices from the trenches and bounce ideas off other professionals. Start with the Instructional Design Forum and other groups dedicated to this field on LinkedIn.

We’re eager to hear from you about instructional design sources you find helpful and credible, so please share. Now, get out there and create great e-learning experiences for your people!

This is the final installment of our three-part blog series presenting tips for creating successful online learning experiences.

ABOUT Eve Connell

Eve spends most billable hours writing, editing and helping professionals of all stripes with communication skills and leadership development. With degrees in French literature, philosophy, and linguistics, she also enjoys helping businesses and entrepreneurs develop their brands. Fancying herself a successful worm rancher, singer and flower arranger, Eve also lends her talent and expertise to several non-profit arts and educational organizations.